Yes, a trial for limited apps is provided to the registered users. This trial is enabled for an open date. is designed for academic purpose however can be used commercially as well. Please be noted that models would require specific customization for specific commercial deployment. Please contact admin for such requirement.
There is no limit defined for number of students to be enrolled in one class. Number of students in one class is pre-decided by the instructor during license signup process.
Yes, subscriber can upload his own data after launching the model. Models are served from the cloud and data is fully secured throughout execution. Data is not preserved after the instance of model is terminated.
Number of models are typically packaged in a set of 10 for individual signup. However instructor account has a flexibility to signup for minimum 4 models. Pricing varies depending upon number of models requested. is designed specifically for data analytics community engaged in academic activities. A beginner level professional looking for introduction to data science and ML models is good to start on zerocodelearning. Professionals can focus on business problem in hand and understand applying models for their business outcome.
Zero Code credentials are sent from to the registered email id of the user upon license activation. Please write an email to for support If credentials are not received.
Credentials are generated but sometimes emails from go either in the spam or blocked at the service provider gateways. Although it happens rarely, we suggest users add in their safe sender's list to avoid non delivery of the mails from Zero Code.
Zero Code apps are optimized on memory to deliver high performance and a smooth experience to the users. You may request Zero Code for access to the apps which can handle larger data. Please state the name of the app and its application to process your request faster.
Zero Code apps take data in CSV format. Please convert your data file to CSV format and upload it. You may download instructions to convert to csv file from the download section on the website.
Zero Code provides unlimited access and usage only to a limited number of apps under the trial version. You can subscribe to the relevant plan to get access to more apps.
Your Zero Code license is activated on the request by an institute for a pre-determined set of apps. You will be able to access only those apps which are requested by the institute. You can access more apps as an individual subscriber.
Yes, you can access the apps after the class has expired by directly subscribing to the Zero Code. You can click on the 'Extend Subscription' button on your account login and follow a couple of steps to renew your subscription.
Yes, you can extend your subscription within 30 days after the class has expired. Discounted prices shall not be applicable if the subscription is extended after 30 days from the class expiry date.
“select example dataset” shows only preloaded datasets. New datasets that are uploaded via "upload your dataset” will not show up in “select example dataset,” but the dataset will be uploaded on the app after the upload completes. Please see the “Review Data” section.
Zero Code apps accept the data file in CSV format only. The app will throw an error if we try to upload data in any other format.
Yes, Zero Code apps accept data in CSV format only. You can download the user manual on how to convert and upload data files in CSV format. User manuals can be downloaded from the download section on the Zero Code website.
Price Sensitivity app expects data files having survey responses in numerical values. Please verify the response values. Besides this, the first column of the data file should have unique ID/values.